Power of Drones on Your Construction Site


New technology is always being introduced to make jobs more efficient.  When it comes to construction, drones are gaining in popularity.

From capturing data to security, drones are being used to complete a number of tasks that used to take a lot of time and manpower to complete, if they could be completed at all.

Land Survey

Drones can survey land in a matter of hours.  Before the use of drones, this task could take days or even weeks to complete.  Land surveying for buildings, roads and bridges can benefit from greater uses of drones. With less staff working on certain projects, companies can allocate less resources for land surveying, ultimately saving them time and money.

Data Gathering

Drones provide immediate results.  When it comes to construction, including land surveying, processes are typically manual, hand-written and can take days and even weeks to collect and analyze data. With drones, video information can transferred immediately to servers to provide businesses with real-time data.  Information includes inspections, safety checks, and progress reports.

Greater Safety

Constructing buildings, roads and bridges can be dangerous.   Drones can reduce the amount of risk by recognizing potential hazards with a bird's eye view.  Sending a drone in to inspect a job site before sending people in to do the work is a great way to help keep the workforce safe.


A great way to move a business forward is through visual marketing.  When a project is complete, having photos or video from a drone is a compelling way to showcase what your company does.  Additionally, drones can be used to provide your prospects and customers with videos that provide real-time progress.


With drones, you can quickly check in on certain job sites without even leaving the cab of your truck.  You can see what machines are in use and which ones are available to be moved.  Do you have a new employee and would like to see if he or she is performing as hoped?  Fly a drone in to "spy" on their progress.